Faculty of Fundamental Sciences at Bauman Moscow State Technical University (155)


  November 17-19, 2014, the International Scientific Conference “Physical and Mathematical Issues in Advanced Technology Development (PhysMathTech - 2014)” was held marking the 50th anniversary of the Fundamental Sciences Research and Educational Complex at BMSTU.


  Was born in 1947 in St. Petersburg.


  In 1975 he received his post-graduate degree at MIPT and defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of engineering sciences.


  Since 2001 Sergey Ivanovich has been the head of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.



  Morozov Andrey Nikolaevich was born June 17, 1959 in Moscow. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, honored worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.


3-4 March, 2016, “Gravitation, Cosmology and Continuum mechanics”.
Moscow, Rubtsovskaya nab., 2/18

Bauman Moscow State Technical University host the International conference GRAVITATION, COSMOLOGY AND CONTINUUM MECHANICS, dedicated to the centenary of Kirill Petrovich Staniukovich on March 3-4, 2016. Kirill Petrovich Stanyukovich made a significant contribution to the development of various fields of science: gas dynamics, physics of explosion, magnetic hydrodynamics, astronomy. 


  Was born on July 20, 1966 in town Murom (Vladimir region, Russia). Russian physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.


November 25, 2016 Bauman University host a scientific seminar on the theory of knots.

It will take place in Conference Hall (Moscow, Rubtsovskaya nab., 2/18).


16:10 - 17:40 Professor of RAS Vasily O. Manturov will read a lecture on "Modern trends in the theory of knots."

18:00 - 19:30 Professor Louis Hirsch Kauffman (University of Illinois at Chicago) will give a Skype talk entitled «Introduction to Knots, Knotoids and Detecting the UnKnot».



5, 2-nd Baumanskaya Street, Moscow, 105005 Russia



International Conference

4th Russian-Chinese Conference on Knot Theory and Related Topics - 2017

Monday 3 July – Friday 7 July 2017





5, 2-nd Baumanskaya Street, Moscow, 105005 Russia


The State Duma Committee on Education of the Russian Federation;
Department of Physics; University of Liverpool; Great Britain;
University of Sunderland; Great Britain;
Russian Gravitational Society;
Moscow Physical Society; 

The International Society on General Relativity & Gravitation;
British Society for the Philosophy of Science;
Calcutta Mathematical Society


July 3, 2017, started its work

XX International Meeting

Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory- 2017

Monday 3 July – Thursday 6 July 2017



  Was born November 15, 1936 in the town of Berdyansk (Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukrainian SSR - now the Zaporozhye region, Ukraine). Russian scientist in Physics, Member of Russian Academy of Science, Professor.


   The laboratory is specializing in theoretical and experimental study into establishing the gravitational wave source and receiver. We develop new methods for  registration of gravitational radiation and perform mathematical modeling of multiple-beam Fabry-Perot, Mach-Zehnder, Michelson interferometers with  mirrors on free weights.

  The major areas of research include gravitation and cosmology, relativistic electrodynamics, multiple-beam interferometry, spectroscopy, nanotechnology, cryogenic and vacuum technology.

  Gravitational Wave Research Laboratory carries out theoretical and experimental research in several departments of the University (at Physics Department, at Photonics Center, at Center for Nanotechnology, at Space Center Bauman University).

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