- Бурков Иван Э 4-27 “Computer modelling in Cryomedicine”.
- Пушкарев Александр Э 4-47 “Prediction of biological tissue necrosis in cryosurgery”.
- Горячев Павел Э 4-47 “Climatic testing of aircraft engine components in ice crystals conditions”.
- Бородулина Татьяна РК 5-27 ”Vic 3D system for optical deformation measurements”.
- Санников Александр СМ 5-27 “Artificial Neuron Network”.
- Лобода Станислав “Research and development for piezo fuel injectors for diesel engines”.
- Корпусова Мария СМ 7-82 “Navigation of Drones in Noisy Environment”.
Старостина Ксения
- Драницкий Игорь СМ 7-82 “Pneumatic muscles in mechatronics”.
Усачев Константин
Лыков Алексей
- Пискарев Дмитрий СМ 7-82 “Devices’ heart: M7 microprocessor for NXP Company”.