Zhukovsky Manor in Orekhovo
Friday, 25 November 2022 13:05
This year marks the 175th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky, the founder of aerodynamics. In this regard, the BMSTU delegation visited the Zhukovsky Manor in Orekhovo, a village in the Vladimir Region.
Nikolay Yegorovich cherished the memory of his manor and the School. He received home education and at the age of 11 left for Moscow to get further education. Being a high school student and then a student, every holiday he came back to Orekhovo. During his half-a-century work at the Imperial Technical School, every year Nikolay Zhukovsky wrote an application to the rector with the following words: “I ask you to grant me a leave because I am leaving for Orekhovo.”
Many years have passed but the Zhukovsky Manor in Orekhovo is still closely related to Bauman Moscow State Technical University, especially to the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, which bears the name of Nikolay Zhukovsky. The Manor often hosts students of this department and arranges excursions.
On July 4 - 9, 2022, 3rd Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics (ISGCA-2022), dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Pustovoyt, was held at Bauman Moscow State Technical University at the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences.
More than 260 students and young scientists from 21 countries (Benin, China, Bangaldesh, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Syria, Tajikistan, Croatia, Ecuador, Eritrea) submitted their applications to participate in the School. ISGCA-2022 welcomed both in-person and virtual participants, on the 8th floor of the BMSTU Laboratory Building and in Zoom. All lectures and reports were simultaneously interpreted. More than 30 students from Bauman University and other leading Russian universities came to take part in the School. Each participant of the School received an international certificate.
The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, is arranging the 3rd Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics for students, post-graduates and young scientists. The School will be held in the Educational and Laboratory Building of Bauman Moscow State Technical University on July 4-9, 2022.
The School is dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladislav Ivanovich Pustovoyt.
The main goals of the School are to discuss modern accomplishments in studying the Universe, tackle the main problems, share ideas and methods of research in the theory of gravity and cosmology. The School will become an event where prominent researchers from different countries will get together to present their projects and share their knowledge on gravity, cosmology and astrophysics.
The School will host world-famous scientists from different countries, students from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the University of Naples Federico II, and from other leading Russian and world universities.
Each ISGCA-2022 participant will receive an international certificate.
If you wish to attend the ISGCA-2022, you are invited to register on the website: https://pirt.bmstu.ru/en/international-school/
We invite you to take part!
The LV of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
Tuesday, 01 March 2022 14:31
On March 3, 2022 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop will be held on Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 874 2859 2359, password: E1Tc85
The workshop topic: Topological isotopy and Cochran's invariants of links
The report will be given by Melikhov Sergey Aleksandrovich (Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
Abstract: We show that there exists a 2-component link in the 3-space that is not isotopic (i.e. not homotopic through embeddings) to any smooth (or piecewise linear) link. The proof is unusually visual and is based on Cochran's invariants. The similar question for 1-component links, that is, knots is a well-known problem of Rolfsen (1974) which remains open. We will also discuss what else is known about isotopy and about Cochran's invariants.
The details are available in https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.01409
The LIV of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquiumV
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 14:06
On December 16, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 811 2983 6901, password: 138675,
link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81129836901?pwd=ZHU0UlhKZ0hZTlNZTitKemNGZHlIUT09
The workshop topic: An algorithmic method to compute plat-like Markov moves for genus two 3-manifolds
The report will be given by Paolo Cavicchioli (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Meeting on cooperation between Bauman University and University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Wednesday, 01 December 2021 19:03
On December 1, 2021, a meeting will be held on the development of international cooperation between Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia, and the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
The meeting will see presentations on the scientific research of the working groups of Bauman University.
The LIII of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
Friday, 19 November 2021 17:27
On November 25, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 874 2859 2359, password: E1Tc85,
link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87428592359?pwd=a2ROWXBEMkwvT0VITHk0NVFiU1ROdz09
The workshop topic: On regularity of p(x)-harmonic functions
The report will be given by Surnachev Mikhail Dmitrievich (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS), Alkhutov Yuriy Alexandrovich (Vladimir State University)
The LII of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
Tuesday, 09 November 2021 13:02
On November 11, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 874 2859 2359, password: E1Tc85,
link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87428592359?pwd=a2ROWXBEMkwvT0VITHk0NVFiU1ROdz09
The workshop topic: Uniformisation of domains in high complex dimension
The report will be given by Sukhov Alexandre Borisovich (Université de Lille)
On October 20, 2021, a meeting was held on the development of international cooperation between Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia, and the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
The meeting saw presentations on the scientific research of the working groups of the University of Naples.
It was decided to develop mutual cooperation, including joint international conferences and further meetings.
The video recording of the meeting can be downloaded from the link: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/pSzrMY_uP9-5lw
The LI of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
Monday, 18 October 2021 15:43
On October 21, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 811 2983 6901, password: 138675,
link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81129836901?pwd=ZHU0UlhKZ0hZTlNZTitKemNGZHlIUT09
The workshop topic: Spatial self-interlocking structures: three-dimensional and two-dimensional
The report will be given by doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Kanel-Belov Aleksei Yakovlevich,
doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Manturov Vassily Olegovich (MIPT),
candidate of physico-mathematical sciences Seongjeong Kim (BMSTU)