Thursday, 02 April 2015 03:03

‘Students’ Science Spring’ Conference at L-3

On Friday, March, 27 Department L-3 held a ‘Students’ Science Spring’ conference. This was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in WWII. The theme of the conference was: ‘The World of Tanks’.


Three students took part in it as chairpersons. They are: Anastasia and Diana Suprun (students of the second higher education) and Artem Golovachev (Э3-61).


The reporters told us about the evolution of tanks – Michael Bystrov (Э2-21), tank crews – Daniil Bordakov and Timofey Kalinovsky (CM3-62), German and Soviet tanks of WWII – Oleg Fattaev (PK6-62), Nikita Gudkov (PK5-62) and Natalya Lykina (PK5-62). Jamshed Mansurjonov (Э3-61) and Nikita Golovlev (MT8-41) gave talks on modern foreign and Russian tanks. Dinar Iskhakov (MT3-21) spoke about the gas electric tank ‘Holt’ and other experimental American tanks. And Pavel Trukhin (Э9-22) described General-Major Hobart’s ‘funnies’.


At the end of the conference G. G. Gurova, Head of L-3, thanked all the reporters and teachers who took part in its preparation.




Read 2092 times Last modified on Friday, 25 November 2016 15:38