Extracurricular Educational Project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English”(2015)
Dear L-3 Students,
Extracurricular Educational Project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English”(2015) is hoping to attract your attention:
Welcome to extracurricular educational project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English” designed for extension of linguistic skills and capabilities of students in their 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 years of studies at BMSTU.
Объявление о наборе студентов в 2015 году:
С февраля 2015 года Сессии Английского Клуба кафедры Л3 «Бизнес, Технологии, Инновации. Разговорная лексика»
проводит набор студентов 1-6 курсов всех секций кафедры Л-3
для участия в еженедельных сессиях Клуба. Информация о дне и времени проведения сессий будет уточняться. Уважаемые учащиеся, пожалуйста, отслеживайте обновление информации на страничке Клуба. Корпус проведения сессий Клуба – УЛК.
Руководитель клуба: преподаватель секции «Энерго» кафедры Л-3, А.С. Селиверстова
2014 18-19 November "International Conference dedicated to Current Problems of Linguistics &FLT, Ways& Methods of their Solution"
Written by AdministratorOn Tuesday,18th November, and Wednesday, 19th November 2014 the Linguistic Department at Bauman State Technical University hosted International Conference dedicated to Current Problems of Linguistics &FLT, Ways& Methods of their Solution devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the Fundamental Sciences Department and the 10th Anniversary of the Linguistics Department of Bauman Moscow State technical University. The conference welcomed Russian and foreign guests and identified the major issues of modern linguistics, especially the issue of teaching Russian as a foreign language at technical universities.
Translation (Interpretation)
- Russian and English are the working languages at the conference.
- The Organising Committee can arrange interpretation for foreign participants during official parts of the Meeting (the opening and the closing of the Meeting, and reports) and excursions.
- We will send to all participants of the conference letters of invitation to report by E-mail.
- If you need the letter will be set by mail or fax.
- For foreign participants Organising Committee will preparethe official letters of invitation for the Russian Embassy.
Permission, visa
To prepare the official Letter for Invitation for Russian Embassy in the other countries we need the following information from participants:
- First name, second name (or patronymic name), and surname.
- Copy of passport (by e-mail or by fax).
- Place of work (Institution, University, etc.). (If you haven't got any, please write down "housekeeper").
- Address of work (Institution, University, etc.).
- Position.
- Dates of visiting Russia (arrival and departure).
- Cities and towns to be visited (Moscow and others).
- Date of birth.
- Place of birth.
- Dates of issue and expire of passport.
It is needed to have medical insurance when you visit Russia.
Registration Fee
§ For foreign participants - 100 EUR.
§ Participants should transfer the registration fee on the account (to be announced).
§ The payment may be made from private individuals or institutions or organizations.
§ The registration fee can be cash paid in during the conference in Moscow.
Payment on June, 29th 2015.
Transport to BMSTU
How you can to get to BMSTU from International Airport "Sheremetyevo-II" to metro station «Baumanskaya» (two variants):
- Take bus number 817 to the underground station «Planernaya» (about 45 min., 21.5 km). Then go to the underground station «Tverskaya», then go to the underground station «Teatral'naya», and go over to the underground station «Ploshchad' Revolyutsii», then go to the underground station «Baumanskaya».
- Take bus number 851 to the underground station «Rechnoi Vokzal» (about 43 min., 21.7 km). Then go to the underground station «Teatral'naya», (about 21 minutes) and go over to the underground station «Ploshchad' Revolyutsii», then go to the underground station «Baumanskaya».
- High-speed trains “Aeroexpress” depart from Sheremetyevo Airport to Belorussky Railway station every 20–30 minutes. Travel time is 30–40 minutes to the underground station «Beloruskaiya». Then go to the underground station «Teatral'naya», (about 7 minutes) and go over to the underground station «Ploshchad' Revolyutsii», then go to the underground station «Baumanskaya».
From station «Baumanskaya» to BMSTU. From station "Baumanskaya" walk to the 2-ya Baumanskaya street 5 (about 15 minutes).
Enter the BMSTU across the first checkpoint with passport.
Department of Physics BMSTU
Department of Physics of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) has worked since 1832, when Physical Study to demonstrate physical phenomena during lectures for students was created at the Craft Institution of Moscow Training House.
On the first June in 1968 the Craft Institution was reformed into Emperor Moscow Technical Specialized School and the Physical Study got a new official status as Department of General and Applied Physics. Professor A.S.Vladimirskii, who had graduated from Moscow University, headed the Department.
The brightest historical moments of the Department were linked with names of professor V.S.Shchegolyaev (the head of the Department since 1886 till 1912) and academician P.P.Lazarev (the head of the Department since 1912 till 1925).
At different times a number of remarkable scientists have worked at the Department: academician, president of USSR Science Academy S.I.Vavilov, corresponding-members of USSR Science Academy K.A.Krug and A.S.Predvoditelev, professors A.B.Mlodzievskii, A.K.Trapeznikov, A.V.Shpol'skii, N.E.Uspenskii, V.D.Zernov, K.A.Putilov.
At present the staff of the Department of Physics consists of 14 professors, 47 readers, 8 senior teachers and 7 professors, 15 readers, 7 senior teachers occupy private positions.
The main scientific directions of the Department of Physics are
- Electro-hydrodynamics (Prof. I.N.Aliev);
- Theory of strength and destruction for solid bodies (Prof. V.N.Bovenko);
- Process theory of non-linear transference (Prof. A.S.Romanov);
- Electrodynamics of moving media (Prof. V.O.Gladyshev, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
- Optics and spectroscopy (Prof. V.S.Gorelik);
- Applied electrodynamics and radio-physics (Prof. O.S.Litvinov);
- Nonreversible process research in natural media. Theory of precise measurements. (Prof. A.N.Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
- Theory of interference phenomena in electrodynamics and solid state physics (Prof. V.V.Tolmachev);
- Physics of magnetic materials;
- Quantum optics (Prof. S.P.Erkovich).
There is a laboratory for student researching at the Department of Physics.
Since 2001 the Department of Physics trains on the courses of bachelor and master degrees in Engineering Physics.
More detailed information can be obtained from the Head of BMSTU Department of Physics - A.N.Morozov (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The history of our institution, the Bauman MHTS (Moscow Higher Technical School), or presently the Bauman MSTU (Moscow State Technical University) dates back to 1830, when Emperor Nicholas I confirmed the "statute of the industrial school" to open in Moscow. Russia's developing industry needed skilled labor in many trades. So, the aim of the new school was to train skillful artisans with a solid theoretical background to improve and spread skills in various trades all over Russia. The training personnel of the school comprised graduates of the Moscow University who specialized in mathematics, mechanics, physics and chemistry. By 1868 the academic standards of the school were so high that it was reorganized into a special institution of higher learning (Imperial Moscow Technical School or IMTS). Its major task now was to train mechanics in construction, engineering and manufacturing. The IMTS was financially supported by the Government and industrialists. Its management was democratic. Its teaching staff boasted of many talented scientists who maintained contacts with the West. All these circumstances helped the School to achieve outstanding successes in manufacturing processes and practices in the chemical, food and textile industries, metal and wood processing, and structural mechanics. During the 1876 Exhibition in Philadelphia the practically-minded Americans highly appreciated and admired the methods used by the School, recognizing them as an original "Russian system" of training engineers. In 1876, Dr. Wrinkle, President of the Boston Institute of Technology, writes to V.K.Dela-Vos, Director of the Imperial Moscow Technical School that Russia is a recognized leader in handling the important problems of engineering education..., and that no other system will hence be used in America.
Thus, the Moscow Higher Technical School joined the ranks of "leading polytechnical schools in Europe".
The late 19th century witnessed quickening progress in electrical engineering, aeromechanics, and the power engineering industry.
In 1918, the MHTS organized several research institutes, including TSAGI (Central Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics Institute), which eventually developed into independent structures, separating from their parent. The quick industrial expansion of the country called for new training facilities on other fields of science and technology. In 1930, the MHTS began to branch out into many new institutions of higher learning: the Moscow Aviation Institute, the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the Military Chemical Academy, the Textile Institute, and the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute.
The MHTS continued to specialize in training engineers for the machine-building and instrumentation industries.
In 1938, the MHTS opened new departments with a defense profile: armoured vehicles and tanks, artillery, and ammunition. In 1948, a department of rocketry was added.
The following famous scientists and specialists have graduated our school: Academician A.N.Tupolev, S.P.Korolev, and many other aircraft and rocket designers and developers; Academician N.A.Dollezhal, chief designer of atomic piles; Academician A.I.Tselikov, chief designer of metallurgical engineering; Academician S.A.Lebedev, chief designer of computers.
Our School is distinguished for high-level scientific and engineering training of students, extensive relations with industries, good traditions, and high professional and moral requirements which both the professors and students feel obliged to meet and maintain.
In 1989, the MHTS was conferred a new name: the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU).
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory- 2015
5, 2-nd Baumanskaya Street, Moscow, 105005 Russia
The State Duma Committee on Education of the Russian Federation;
Department of Physics; University of Liverpool; Great Britain;
S.C.&T.; University of Sunderland; Great Britain;
Russian Gravitational Society;
Moscow Physical Society;
International Meeting
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory- 2015
Monday 29June – Thursday 2July 2015
Dear Colleague,
There is to be a conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory in the Bauman Moscow State Technical University between Monday 29th June to Thursday 2th July 2015,devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the Scientific and Educational Division «Fundamental Sciences» of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The objectives of this conference are the same as those pursued in the Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory (PIRT) conferences which have been held in Imperial College, London, every two years since 1988. These objectives are the physical, geometrical, and mathematical interpretations of the formal structure of Relativity Theory, and to examine the questions concerning the various interpretations of the accepted mathematical expression of the Relativity Principle.
The Conference Program of the Moscow PIRT-2015 will include papers dealing with the following major themes:-
Cosmology, Gravitation and Space-Time Structure.
Time, Reference Frames and the Fundamentals of Relativity.
Experimental Aspects of Relativity.
Formal Structures and Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory.
Nature and Models of the Physical Vacuum.
Information Theoretical Aspects of Space-Time Structure.
The Poincare-Lorentz and the Einstein-Minkowski expositions of the Relativity Principle.
Analogues of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
Historical and Philosophical Aspects of Relativity.
This is not an exhaustive list, and colleagues wishing to submit papers dealing with different subjects should send an outline of their proposed presentation to the organizers of the Moscow conference.
The International Organizing Committee of Moscow PIRT-2015 is directed by:
Prof. A.A. Aleksandrov, Rector of Bauman MSTU
Prof. V.O. Gladyshev, Head of Fundamental Science Faculty, Bauman MSTU, Russia(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Prof. M.C. Duffy, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Prof. P. Rowlands, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The Academician Committee of Moscow PIRT-2015 is directed by:
Member of RAS, Prof. V.I. Pustovoit, Director of Science Technological Centre of Unique Instruments of RAS, Russia(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Prof. A.N. Morozov, Head of Physics Dept., Bauman MSTU,Russia(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Postal Communications may be sent to:
Prof. V.O. Gladyshev (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Organizing Committee of Moscow PIRT-2015,
Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
5, 2-nd Baumanskaya st., Moscow 105005, RUSSIA
Prof. P. Rowlands, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Abstracts(one page of text) and Papers (5-10 pages of text including figures) in English offered for inclusion in the Moscow PIRT-2015 Program should be sent to the Local Organizing Committee before 1st May.
The format of files of abstracts and papers is *.docx and *.doc. An article should be formed as one file and should include:
1. The Theme Categories;
2. A title;
3. Information about authors;
4. Key words;
5. A brief annotation;
6. Text of paper;
7. A list of references;
8. Illustrations and tables should be numbered and titled and be included into the text of paper.
The example of an article you can seеon the Moscow PIRT-2015 web-site http://pirt.info/
All enquiries concerning length of abstracts, papers, registration, accommodation, etc. should be sent to the Organizing Committee preferably by e-mail to Prof. V.O. Gladyshev This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Conference proceedings will be included in Scopus. It will be available in electronic form via the website (http://pirt.info/) and in the electronic library of Russian Science Citation Index.
Colleagues from countries outside Russia should note that a visa is required for entry into the country, and it is essential to leave time for applying for this document which may take two or three weeks to obtain, sometimes longer. It is therefore in the interests of all non-Russian participants to prepare for participation in the Moscow PIRT conference by the earliest date possible.
Rooms will be reserved in the Izmailovskii Tourist Hotel Complex (Izmailovskoe Shosse, 71, 3V, Moscow, 105187. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.hotel-vega.ru or http://en.hotel-vega.org/).
The hotel is near the underground station “Partizanskaya” (3 station from the underground station “Baumanskaya” and Bauman Moscow State Technical University).
The Organising Committee has also other variants of accommodation near Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Translation AND Excursions
English and Russian languages are the working languages at the conference. The Organising Committee can arrange interpretation for foreign participants during official parts of the Meeting and excursions.
The Organizing Committee plans to organize an excursion about the centre of Moscow and to BMSTU Museum. Participants may also inform the Committee about other places of interest, which they desire to visit.
Information concerning the Moscow PIRT Conference will be posted on the PIRT web-site: http://pirt.info/
All enquiries concerning the London PIRT conferences should be sent to Dr. M.C.Duffy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., FAX +44 (0) 1282 454 087, P.O. Box 342, Burnley, Great Britain, BB10 1XL and Dr. P.Rowlands,(University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Please send the Registration form, together with an Abstract of your proposed contribution, to the Local Organizing Committee at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University: