On April 29, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".

It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. 

The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: How to Build a Device that Cannot Be Built

The report will be given by Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. (University of Maryland Baltimore County)








On April 15, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".

It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.

The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: Two-dimensional models in magnetohydrodynamics and dynamo theory

The report will be given by Evgeniy Alexandrovich Mikhaylov (Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)







On April 8, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".

It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.

The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: New criteria and constructions of Brunnian links

The report will be given by Bai Sheng







On April 1, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".

It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.

The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: I Still don't Understand the Alexander Polynomial

The report will be given by Dror Bar-Natan (University Of Toronto)






On March 25, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".

It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.

The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: Dissipative one dimensional differential operators with complex potentials – structure of the essential spectrum

The report will be given by Romanov Roman Vladimirovich (SPbU)





BMSTU mathematical colloquium. Fedorovskiy Konstantin Yurievich On March 18, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: Dirichlet problem and problems on uniform approximation for solutions of elliptic equations with constant complex coefficients

The report will be given by Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, BMSTU professor Fedorovskiy Konstantin Yurievich





BMSTU mathematical colloquium. Tabachnikov Sergei On March 4, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: Flavors of bicycle mathematics

The report will be given by Tabachnikov Sergei L'vovich (The Pennsylvania State University)






Faculty of Fundamental Sciences



ХХII International Meeting

Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory - 2021

05-09 July 2021

Laboratory Building of BMSTU

Moscow, Rubtsovskaya nab., 2/18


Bauman Moscow State Technical University is holding a conference on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics (PIRT-2021) on July 5-9, 2011




BMSTU mathematical colloquium. Rudakov Igor On February 18, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics



Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,

link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9483416153?pwd=NzJmdk5pZjdiMXdoMUFoakNzNFhLQT09


The workshop topic: On periodic solutions of the quasilinear Euler-Bernoulli equation

The report will be given by Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Rudakov Igor Alekseevich (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)




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