Summer Youth School “Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics” from 5 to 15 July 2021
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the Laboratory Building, will host the Summer Youth School “Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics” from 5 to 15 July 2021.
The program is intended for enthusiastic senior students majoring in theoretical physics. The working languages of the School are Russian and English.
One of the School's main goals is to attract talented Russian young people to scientific research in the field of fundamental physics and get them to know the main problems, ideas, and research methods of the modern theory of gravity and cosmology. The School is dedicated to the latest discoveries in the field of gravity, cosmology, astrophysics.
World-famous scientists from 7 countries will take part in the event. Plenary lectures will be delivered by RAS academicians Vladislav Pustovoit and Alexey Starobinskiy.
Information about the School is on the website
Online-lectures "Gravitational waves from theory to experiment: the birth of a new astronomy"
The University of Naples “Federico II” and the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM) is glad to announce a series of lectures “Gravitational Waves from Theory to Experiments: the Birth of a New Astronomy”, which will take place online on June 14-28, 2021.
The lectures will be broadcasted live on the University of Naples "Federico II" YouTube channel:
Convener: Prof. Innocenzo M. Pinto - University of Naples "Federico II", LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Instructions for connecting and registering are available on the SSM website:
The L of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
On May 20, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: Recent Progress on Diophantine Equations in Two Variables
The report will be given by Minhyong Kim (University of Warwick)
The XLIX of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
On May 13, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: Solution of transcendental equations in elementary functions
The report will be given by Rodion Zaytsev (MIPT)
The XLVIII of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
On April 29, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.

The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: How to Build a Device that Cannot Be Built
The report will be given by Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
The XLVII of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
On April 15, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: Two-dimensional models in magnetohydrodynamics and dynamo theory
The report will be given by Evgeniy Alexandrovich Mikhaylov (Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Деловая игра «Конкурс инвестиционных проектов»
The XLVI of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
On April 8, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: New criteria and constructions of Brunnian links
The report will be given by Bai Sheng
The XLV of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium
On April 1, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: I Still don't Understand the Alexander Polynomial
The report will be given by Dror Bar-Natan (University Of Toronto)
The XLIV of the scientific workshop "BMSTU mathematical colloquium"
On March 25, 2021 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the fourth meeting of the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium".
It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students.
The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics
Thursday at 5:30 pm, ZOOM, meeting id: 948 341 6153, password: 2SXtEz,
The workshop topic: Dissipative one dimensional differential operators with complex potentials – structure of the essential spectrum
The report will be given by Romanov Roman Vladimirovich (SPbU)