Results of the XXIII International Scientific Conference "Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory PIRT-2023"
Between July 3rd and July 6th, 2023, the Bauman Moscow State Technical University held the 23rd International Scientific Conference on Modern Problems of the Relativity Theory, Cosmology and Astrophysics, known as "Physical Interpretations of the Relativity Theory: PIRT-2023".
The PIRT conference is an international scientific event originating in 1988, first held biennially at Imperial College London and later, since 2003, at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The Chairman of the International Organizing Committee is Mikhail Gordin, Rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, while the Co-Chairman is Professor Vladimir Gladyshev, Head of Scientific Educational Complex of Fundamental Sciences. The Chairman of the International Academic Committee is Alexey Starobinsky, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The 23rd PIRT conference primarily aimed to discuss the following topics: modern generalizations of the relativity theory and its observed consequences; experimental verification of the relativity theory; methods for gravitational wave recording; effects of relativistic electrodynamics and optics in moving media; astrophysical observations and space-based experiments.
The conference program focused on the latest achievements in the theory of gravity, cosmology and astrophysics, which attracted over 150 researchers from 27 countries. Over 60 participants from 5 countries gave their presentations in the conference hall of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University; other participants and listeners attended the conference remotely via Zoom. An extensive cultural program was arranged for the conference attendees.
The Opening of the PIRT-2023 conference
July 3, 2023, Bauman Moscow State Technical University hosted the opening ceremony of the XXIII International Conference "Physical Interpretations of the Relativity Theory PIRT-2023". In a moment in which distance learning is more important than ever, the PIRT-2023 conference held in the Conference-Hall of Educational and Laboratory Building is providing an opportunity for all participants to share and present their contributions by means of modern multimedia technology, which allows presentations to be given both distantly and in person.
The PIRT-2023 program is dedicated to the latest advances in the theory of gravity, cosmology, astrophysics; more than 150 researchers from 23 countries plan to take part in the conference.
In parallel with the conference, the IV Summer Youth School "Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics ISGCA - 2023" started.
Inna R. Shafikova
I have a Specialist’s degree (with Honours) in the English language teaching and linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical University. My special interests include developing professional linguistic skills in the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Bauman MSTU. I am collaborating on the new course for the 1stand 2ndyear students at Bauman MSTU. I am doing a PhD research in English for Specific Purposes. I have participated in scientific conferences in Belarus, Ukraine, China, the UK and have published research papers in Russia and abroad.
Inna R. Shafikova
I have a Specialist’s degree (with Honours) in the English language teaching and linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical University. My special interests include developing professional linguistic skills in the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Bauman MSTU. I am collaborating on the new course for the 1stand 2ndyear students at Bauman MSTU. I am doing a PhD research in English for Specific Purposes. I have participated in scientific conferences in Belarus, Ukraine, China, the UK and have published research papers in Russia and abroad.
Maria Kunyaeva
"No one rises so high as he who is not whither he is going"
Oliver Cromwell
Position: English-Language Teacher.
Faculty: Linguistics.
Department: English for Engineering Specialties, L-3.
Hobbies: Art. Pedagogy. Psychology. Philosophy.
Veronika A. Pereslavtseva
Veronika A. Pereslavtseva is a lecturer of English at English for Machine - Building Major Department at BMSTU University.
"A journey of a thousand li starts with a single step”
She graduated from Russian State Social University with the qualification «Linguist, Teacher of English and German».
Since 2016, she has been working at BMSTU University teaching English.
Professional interests: literature, neurobiology, methods of teaching languages, use of multimedia technologies in process of training.
Tatiana N. Kuzmina
Должность: Teacher of the English Language, Faculty of Linguistics
Contact Email:
Having graduated from Irkutsk State Linguistic University, I have been working in the field of teaching and education. Since 2014 I have been doing a postgraduate course in Linguistic Theory.
25 years of Laboratory Practicum in Physics with elements of Student Research Work
The laboratory practicum on physics with elements of student research was established in 1992. The main objective of establishing was an inclusion of successfully studying 2nd year students and Physical Department graduates with aim of studying general physics course and elements of applied and experimental physics at a higher scientific methodological level using modern equipment and information technologies.