1. Verbitskaya Viktoriya Dmitrievna, “Psychological pedagogical and Lingua-Didactical Aspects of Teaching in Foreign Languages in Technical High Institutes”, published by BMSTU, 2014


2. Loseva Olga Mikhailovna, “Stylistic Specific Features of Scientific Texts in Engineering”, published by BMSTU, 2014


3. Platkova Anna Borisovna, “Foreign Language in Academic Mobility”, published  by BMSTU,2014


4. Fufurina Tatyana Alekseyevna, “The Ways for Increasing Motivation in Learning English by Bauman MSTU Students”, published by BMSTU, 2014


Dear L-3 Students,

Extracurricular Educational Project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English”(2015)  is hoping to attract your attention:

 Welcome to extracurricular educational project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English” designed for  extension of linguistic skills and capabilities of students in their 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 years of studies at BMSTU.

С февраля 2015 года Сессии Английского Клуба кафедры Л3 «Бизнес, Технологии, Инновации. Разговорная лексика»

проводит набор студентов 1-6 курсов всех секций кафедры Л-3


для участия в еженедельных сессиях Клуба. Информация о дне и времени проведения сессий  будет уточняться. Уважаемые учащиеся, пожалуйста, отслеживайте обновление информации на страничке Клуба. Корпус проведения сессий Клуба – УЛК.


Руководитель клуба: преподаватель секции «Энерго» кафедры Л-3, А.С. Селиверстова


  On Tuesday,18th November, and Wednesday, 19th November 2014 the Linguistic Department at Bauman State Technical University hosted  International Conference dedicated to Current Problems of Linguistics &FLT, Ways& Methods of their Solution devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the Fundamental Sciences Department and the 10th Anniversary of the Linguistics Department of Bauman Moscow State technical University. The conference welcomed Russian and foreign guests and  identified the major issues of modern linguistics, especially the issue of teaching Russian as a foreign language at technical universities.

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