The 3rd and final tour of the National Students Contest in English for Engineering Universities took place in the BMSTU over the course of three days, March 16th to March 18th. The Linguistics Department had handled a vital aspect of the preparatory work, putting together all the tasks for the contestants. Over 60 students from all over the country came to take part in the competition. Our university was represented by a party of three (pictured above in the company of V.N.Shevchun, one of the contest administrators), which included Anastasia Skripacheva, a student of the Linguistics Department. We would like to congratulate our team who collectively scored first among others! Keep up the good work. 
Follow the link to see an official announcement (in Russian) and a small selection of photos from the event:

March 16-18th:

the Bauman Moscow State University



the Second National Student Contest in English for engineering universities.


The BMSTU team has been formed according to the results of the internal contest tour.


Inquiries from representatives of universities planning to take part in the National Contest should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On Friday, March, 27 Department L-3 held a ‘Students’ Science Spring’ conference. This was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in WWII. The theme of the conference was: ‘The World of Tanks’.

Three students took part in it as chairpersons. They are: Anastasia and Diana Suprun (students of the second higher education) and Artem Golovachev (Э3-61).

Dear L-3 Students,

Extracurricular Educational Project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English”(2015)  is hoping to attract your attention:

 Welcome to extracurricular educational project “English Club Sessions with Linguistics 3: Business, Technologies, Innovations and Colloquial and Everyday English” designed for  extension of linguistic skills and capabilities of students in their 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 years of studies at BMSTU.

The workshop “Integrated foreign language teaching strategies in the tertiary context” was held at Linguistics faculty of BMSTU on June, 6, 2014 by Kira Inozemtseva, the senior lecturer of L2.

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